About me


I am a PhD student from IISER Pune. I completed MSc in Physics from Tezpur University in 2019. Currently I am working in the field of Experimental High Energy Physics under the supervision of Dr Sourabh Dube. I am a member of the CMS collaboration at CERN, where we collide protons at extremely high energies to see what matter is made up of. We are looking for more particles beyond the standard model which may explain some unanswered/unexplained phenomena.

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Things I've been working on ...

Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model in CMS Experiment

The Standard Model is currently the best-model for understanding the building blocks of nature. However, we still have to figure out a lot of unexplained phenomena. In my PhD, my main task is to design and implement analysis strategies to search for the evidence of the new theories beyond the Standard Model in the CMS experiment, CERN. A typical counting experiment is done by properly estimating the collision events predicted by the Standard Model, and looking for excess events which may come from these new physics processes. Currently I am developing the analysis tools to search for the vector-like lepton in the Run-2 and Run-3 dataset.

Service work for the CMS collaboration

I have been working with the EGamma group of CMS which is responsible for the reconstruction and identification of electrons and photons in the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) of CMS. In 2021, I helped them out with a Neural Network based photon identification algorithm, which is currently being implemented in the Run-3 data taking period (2022 onwards). That is something I can brag about :D. I am also the contact person between EGamma and pdmv (Physics Data and Monte-Carlo Validation group).

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Other activities

YouTube videos

I like to make/edit videos occasionally. We made a YouTube video on the International Day of Women in Science (2024). The video features my colleagues - PhD student Riya Sharma, postgraduate student Chitrakshee Yede, and undergraduate students Shailee Khandekar, Uttsavi Rastogi, and Vaidehi Tikhe. The video was conceptualized by my supervisor, Prof Sourabh Dube.

I also made this campus-tour video at IISER Pune in February, 2024. Hopefully I have covered most of the important information.

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